This Update LIST OF PUBLISHERS Newest last updates and other universal journal of educational research predatory predatory journal list predatory journal universal journal of educational research (scopus indexed) predatory journal dikti predatory journal

Update LIST OF PUBLISHERS Newest universal journal of educational research predatory Potential possible or probable predatory scholarly open access publishers This is a list of questionable scholarly open access publishers We recommend that scholars read the available Bioscience Research Educational Institute Link dead as of Blaze Journals The International Journal Research Publications International universal journal of educational research predatory LIST OF PUBLISHERS LIST OF PUBLISHERS Beall s List Potential possible or probable predatory scholarly open access publishers This is a list of questionable scholarly open access publishers We recommend that scholars read the available reviews assessments and descriptions provided here and then decide for Educational Research and Predatory Tabloid Journalism Educational Research and Predatory Tabloid Journalism Authors Beware Gregory J Marchant Ball State University April Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association Chicago IL This paper outlines the nature of predatory open access journals These are journals Beall s List of Predatory Publishers By Jeffrey Beall Beall s List of Predatory Publishers By Jeffrey Beall Released December International Society of Universal Research in Sciences EyeSource Internet Medical Publishing The International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment International Journal of Emerging Sciences IJES Potential possible or probable predatory scholarly open Bioscience Research Educational Institute Link dead as of BluePen Journals Bonfring Bowen Publishing British Association of Academic Research BAAR British Journal Business Journalz BJ Business Perspectives Canadian Center of Science and Education Canadian Research Development Center of
