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Good IN TIME PUBLONS SEEKS TO ATTRACT REVIEWERS AND IMPROVE Publons Journal publons journal The author of a reviewed article registered on Publons may choose to make his review openly available only if both reviewers and the journal through its registered policy at Publons as may be seen in Plos One Publons allow so It is important to note that even if the reviews are not made available at the Publons portal the publons journal Wiley partnership with Publons settings of the participating journal If your journal is not inviting reviewers to opt in to Publons and receive public recognition for their reviews please contact your Wiley journal manager Wiley partnership with Publons https publons com Expert peer review is at the heart of scientific communication As an Editor you rely on reviewers Publons Researcher Profiles Note Publons works in full compliance with journal review policies and only reveals information about reviewed manuscripts that is permitted by the publisher and reviewer Display your editorial and peer review history Track and compare your publication journal editing and Publons Verified Record Bertil Kinnby Mar The Open Dentistry Journal Effect of Fluoride and Chlorhexidine Digluconate Mouthrinses on Plaque Biofilms Dec European Journal of Oral Sciences Glycoprotein and sialic acid in minor gland and whole saliva of children adolescents and adults Sep Australian Dental Journal IN TIME PUBLONS SEEKS TO ATTRACT REVIEWERS AND IMPROVE The author of a reviewed article registered on Publons may choose to make his review openly available only if both reviewers and the journal through its registered policy at Publons as may be seen in Plos One Publons allow so It is important to note that even if the reviews are not made available at the Publons portal the
