Information of Guyana Petroleum Act GUYANA BILL NO OF 2020 PETROLEUM COMMISSION OF Newest and other guyana petroleum act
Guyana Petroleum Act GUYANA BILL NO OF 2020 PETROLEUM COMMISSION OF Newest guyana petroleum act 3 A BILL Intituled AN ACT to provide for the establishment and the functions of the Petroleum Commission of Guyana and for related purposes A D 2020 Enacted by the Parliament of Guyana Short title and commencement guyana petroleum act Co I Stabroek News Guyana news breaking updates Guyana under section 259 of the Companies Act 1991 chapter 89 01 with registered office at 80 Cowan Street Kingston Georgetown Guyana of the Other Part WHEREAS in accordance with the Petroleum Exploration and Production Act 1986 Act No 3 GUYANA BILL No OF 2020 PETROLEUM COMMISSION OF 3 A BILL Intituled AN ACT to provide for the establishment and functions of the Petroleum Commission of Guyana and for related matters A D 2020 Enacted by the Parliament of Guyana PART I PRELIMINARY Short title and commencement 1 This Act may LAWS OF GUYANA Petroleum E xploration and Production 3 LAWS OF GUYANA Petroleum E xploration and Production Cap 65 10 7 L R O 3 1998 PART IX SECTION REGULATIONS 70 Power to make regulations CHAPTER 65 10 PETROLEUM EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION ACT An Act to make provision with respect to prospecting for and production of petroleum and for matters connected therewith 3 of 1986 14TH APRIL 1986 CHAPTER 65 10 PETROLEUM EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION 1 1 This Act may be cited as the Petroleum Exploration and Production Act 2 This Act applies to the exploration exploitation conservation and management of petroleum existing in its natural condition in land in Guyana including the territorial sea continental shelf and exclusive economic zone of Guyana 2 1 In this Act