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Best Journal Of Taibah University Medical Sciences Most Update university journal Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences CONFLICT OF INTEREST DECLARATION AND AUTHOR AGREEMENT FORM It is important that you return this form upon submission We will not publish your article without completion and return of this form university journal List of Journal in Malaysia Indexed by SCOPUS ISI Web of No Journal Title ISSN Publisher Indexed Status Impact Factor ISI WoS SCOPUS Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Journal of the University of Malaya Medical Centre University Journal of Business and Management Journal of Business and Management EDITORS Cristina M Giannantonio Chapman University Amy E Hurley Hanson Chapman University EDITORIAL BOARD Nancy Borkowski Florida International University Krishna S Dhir Berry College Sonia M Goltz Michigan Tech University Miles G Nicholls RMIT University Richard L Jenson Utah State University Terri A Malaysian journal indexed in ISI WOS Scopus and ERA International Journal of China Studies Institute of China Studies University of Malaya International Journal of Economics and Management Universiti Putra Malaysia X International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering University of Malaya International Journal of Nanoelectronics and Writing for Scholarly Journals University of Glasgow A Tribute to Arne Zettersten Nordic Journal of English Studies Special Issue vol pp John Corbett is Professor of Applied Language Studies at the University of Glasgow Professor Corbett published books in the areas of intercultural language education Literary Scots and Old English Some of his recent publications include
